

Last Updated: 01.01.2024

We believe in privacy as a fundamental right. Kalorique is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our users. Here's our promise to you:

1. No Ads or Data Selling

Kalorique is an ad-free experience. We do not sell your personal data or show you advertisements.

2. Account Creation and Data Hosting

To utilize features such as meal planning and progress tracking, account creation is necessary. Your data will be securely hosted on cloud servers to ensure reliable service and data integrity.

3. Data Storage and Logs

User data and application logs for service improvement are stored securely. We ensure logs are purged regularly and do not contain personal information.

4. Payment Processing

For premium features, we partner with secure payment processors. Only essential information is shared for transaction purposes, adhering to the highest security standards.

5. Cookies

Kalorique does not use cookies. We do not track you across the web.

6. Analytics

We use server-side analytics to improve our service. These do not track users individually or store personal data.

7. Data Management

You have control over your data. You can edit or delete individual entries, and they will be permanently removed from our records.

8. Full Data Deletion

At any time, you can request the deletion of your account and all associated data, which will be permanently erased from our systems.

For any privacy-related questions or concerns, you can reach out to us directly via info@kalorique.com.